Game Update 31 the biggest technical update yet released
Hi there,
We're excited to announce that the first details about Game Update 31 for DC Universe Online have been revealed by Larry "Captain" Liberty, Executive Producer of DC Universe Online.
It's a biggie, designed to improve the game for all players. At a top level, that means a sweeping, game-wide graphical upgrade, a massive design effort to polish and remaster the core leveling game, and a host of technical work that prepares DCUO for a long and distinguished future. As Larry says, "This is without a doubt the biggest technical update we have ever done."
In particular, it's now easier to progress through the core leveling system from 1-30, giving beginners a better understanding about how the character progression works.
You can check out his letter here.
The update is currently on the PC Test server, and the plan is to launch in early November.
For further information about this update or any other DC Universe Online content, UK and Nordic press should contact Tom, Lina or Tim at Renegade PR.